Diffcrcnt Mcasurcs of Asscrtivcness in Adults



Assertiveness, age, assertion measures


This study had for objcctivc to invcstigatc the corrclation between severa! eomponents of assertiveness as assessed by different measures and to verify how reliable they are over time. Three assertion measures were uscd with 58 adult subjects, who were participants in a blood pressure reactivitystudy.The measureswere:the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS), observers' ratings anda role play behavioral test,which included an evaluation ofthe verbal content ofthe role played interactions and the rating ofnonverbal behaviors.Twenty four role-played situations involving social challenges were administered on three occasions three weeks apart. Some of lhe scenes included expression of positive affect and the others required negative assertion. Responses to these situation were video-taped and scored !ater. Results indicated that the measurements did not change significantly overtime, the RAScorrelated with eyecontact andspeech latency duringthe positive scenes. The observers' ratingand the verbal content ofthe interactions scores were positively correlated . A. negative correlation was found both between age and the observers' rating and the verbal content of the interactions score indicating a possible age effect on assertion. The data confirrns Eiler et ai. (1975), Hersen ct ai (1978) and McCartan ct ai. (1990) findings on the situational determinants of assertivcness and points to thc nccd of furthcr asscssing thc role of age in thc arca of assertion.


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How to Cite

Lipp, M. N., Haythornthwaite, J., & Anderson, D. E. (1996). Diffcrcnt Mcasurcs of Asscrtivcness in Adults. Psychological Studies, 13(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/12247