Notes on tbe pbenomenological researcb



phenomenological research, psychology, method


Phenomenological research is defined as the study of the "lived" and its meanings. Sucb approach assume that the "lived" can be an important way to the truth and to the dccisions which we bavc to makc. Phenomenological research deals with intentionality and with expressive material of the human experience. Some phenomenological rcscarch forms are enumerated and briefly described, as, for exemple, the empirical, the experimental and the collaborative one. Some methodological suggestions are mentioned. Toe general structurc of phenomenological method includes syntonizing the lived whole, meeting the experiential elements of this whole, and a final articulation. Phenomenological research is related to other psychological rescarch forms. Toe dialectical trend of phenomenological research add to the empirical one, a major presence of the researcher subjectivity, a dialogical context for the research as a whole, and an openness to more comprehensive and collective leveis of meaning.


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Author Biography

Mauro Martins Amatuzzi, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas

Endereço para correspondência: R. Luverci Pereira de Souza, 1656 - Cidade Universitária, CEP 13084-031, Campinas, SP - tel. (019) 239-2635.


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How to Cite

Amatuzzi, M. M. (1996). Notes on tbe pbenomenological researcb . Psychological Studies, 13(1). Retrieved from