
  • Luis Henrique da Silva Leme
  • Gustavo Antonio de Souza


ductal, breast, carcinoma, breast neoplasms, men's health



To assess the epidemio/ogic, clinica/ and therapeutic aspects of breast cancer in men.


ln the municipality of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, a descriptive, retrospective study was conducted to review 25 cases of ma/e breast cancer; diagnosed, from 1992 to 2005, at the following institutions: General Hospital and Maternity Celso Pierro of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, the Women's Integral Healthcare Center of the State University of São Paulo and the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology at the Campinas Maternity Hospital. The study evaluated the patients' clinica/, personal and family histories, as well as the anatomo-pathologic diagnosis, the, treatment performed and the clinica! course of each case. Because it regards a rare disease, with a sma/1 number of cases, the data of this study was not submitted to statistica/ analysis; instead, ali data was presented through frequencies and means of ali the variab/es studied.


Three cases of patients under 40 years of age; seven cases, aged between 41 and 60 years; and 15 cases of patients over 60 years were evaluated. Twenty-two patients were white, one was black and two were mulatto. Regarding the time since the first symptoms appeared, until the time of diagnosis, seven patients were diagnosed within six months, six patients were diagnosed from seven to 12 months /ater, five patients were diagnosed during the second year of symptoms; and seven patients were diagnosed more than two years after the first symptoms. The most common symptom was a breast lump, histologica/ly confirmed as invasive ducta/ carcinoma in 23 cases. Mastectomy was performed in 24 cases.


Regarding these cases of breast cancer in men, the study found that the diagnosis took a longer time to be made, than the time taken to diagnose breast cancer in women, according to what is mentioned in the related literature. Thus, due to the delay in diagnosis after the first complaints, more than ha/f of the patients evaluated in this study were diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease.


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How to Cite

Leme, L. H. da S., & Souza, G. A. de. (2006). BREAST CANCER IN MEN: EPIDEMIOLOGICAL, CLINICAL ANO THERAPEUTIC ASPECTS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(5). Retrieved from



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