Vaccination status among medical students of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina before internship


  • Patrícia Mendes Arent
  • Luissaulo Cunha
  • Paulo Fontoura Freitas


Communicable diseases, Medical students , Immunization


Describe the vaccination status of the medical students of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina university, in Tubarão (SC) before internship regarding the vaccines
recommended for healthcare professionals.

An observational. cross-sectional study was done in March 2006 with the students
attending the first eight semesters of medical school. A questionnaire complemented by an e-mail was used to verify the vaccination status of the students regarding the following vaccines: hepatitis A, hepatiüs B, influenza,
meastes. mumps, rubella. pneumococcus, tetanus, diphtheria, varicella and tuberculosis.

Most of the 327 students (277 or 84.7%) participated in the study. The percentage
of students who did not know their vaccination status for the different vaccines
varied from 43.7% for hepatitis B to 85.6% for pneumococcus. The most common vaccination was against hepatitis B (53.8%) and the least common was against pneumococcus (2.5%). The percentages of students vaccinated against the other
diseases were as follows: tetanus (51.3%). measles (40.4%). mumps (37.2%), diphtheria (33.6%), rubelfa (31.5%) and varicella (15.2%), Only 14.4% of the students were aware of the importance of pneumococcus vaccination and 43.3% of hepatitis B vaccination.

Most students were unable to provide information on their vaccination status
and were also unaware of the importance of such vaccines, Only 1.1 % had received
all of the vaccínes recommended for healthcare workers.


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How to Cite

Arent, P. M., Cunha, L., & Freitas, P. F. (2009). Vaccination status among medical students of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina before internship. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 18(1). Retrieved from



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