Bifid mandibular canals
panoramic radiographic analysis
Mandible, Mandibular nerve, Radiography, panoramic.Abstract
The objectives of this work were to verify if there are anatomical variations of the
mandibular canal and also to analyze and classify its different routes using panoramic radiographs.
Five hundred panoramic radiographs of male and female patients were analyzed.
Each side of the lower jaw was analyzed separately in these radiographs. The
images were studied under proper ambient light level, film viewer and protection
mask to eliminate excess light. The anatomic variants were classified using the
classifications suggested by Langlais et al.
Bifid mandibular canals were found in 43 (8.6%) radiographs. Of these, 18 (41.9%)
canals were classified as type 1; 10 (23.3%) as type 2, none as type 3 and 15
(34.9%) as type 4.
Bifid mandibular canals occurred unilaterally and bilaterally but their presence did not differ statistically between the right or left sides. There was no significant prevalence of canal types or gender-related prevalences.
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