Application of the DQOL-8 quality of life questionnaire in individuals with diabetes Mellitus using the unique health system




Carbohydrate, Diabetes Mellitus, Quality of Life




To evaluate information on the quality of life of people with Diabetes Mellitus in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba of the Unified Health System.


Descriptive and exploratory cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach applying the Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire of the Brazil Measure -8.


Of the 50 participating volunteers, in terms of age, the majority were over 65 years old, 34% of the total. Regarding the scores of the Diabetes Quality of Life Measure Brazil-8 questionnaire, the domains “Satisfaction” and “Impact” presented values close to 03 (3.02 and 3.11, respectively). The domain “Social vocational concerns” had a final value of 1.12 (close to 01) and the domain “Concerns related to diabetes” had a final value of 3.77.


The interpretation of the results indicates a concern for the complications of DM, this being the main impact factor on the quality of life of the participants. The domains “Satisfaction” and “Impact” had medium results, which may indicate a lack of attention in these aspects and a possible worsening of conditions, since they include factors linked to complications.


Knowing and elucidating the aspects that impact the quality of life of patients with Diabetes Mellitus contributes to improving adherence to treatment.


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How to Cite

Santos, I. G. de M., Leite, C. J. B., & Silva, J. E. T. da. (2023). Application of the DQOL-8 quality of life questionnaire in individuals with diabetes Mellitus using the unique health system. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 32.



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