Nutrition intervention in elderly with functional bowel constipation


  • Marcia Maria Hernandes de Abreu de Oliveira Salgueiro Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo
  • Wilson Jacob Filho Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ana Maria Cervato-Mancuso Universidade de São Paulo



Nutritional counseling, Constipation, Food counseling, Food consuption, Food and nutrition education, Aged


To analyze the effects of clíent-centered nutritiona! counseling on the intake of beans and fluids and on the complaints of constipation of elderly with functional constipation enroled in a geriatric outpatient clinic.
The elderly in this interventional study were divided into two groups, an intervention group (n=19) and a control group (n=21). All individuaIs in both groups attended seven individual monthly visits. The intervenüon group received nutritional counseIÉng. The study variables were íntake of beans, intake of fluids, and complaints that characterized functional constipation. The data were treated by repeated measures analysis of variance and the Bonfenoni correction. The significance level was set at 5%.
Contrary to the control group. the intervention group had increased their intake of beans by the fourth (p=0,028) and sixth (p=0.042) visits. Fluid íntake had increased by the fourth visit and continued to increase until the end of the follow-up (p=0.031). By the end of the intewenüon, both groups were making fewer functional constipationrelated complaints.
Client-centered counseling is an effective educational approach for changing eating behavior and, consequently, reducing the number of bowel-related complaints that characterize constipation.


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Author Biographies

Marcia Maria Hernandes de Abreu de Oliveira Salgueiro, Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo

1 Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo, Curso de Nutrição. Estrada de Itapecerica 5859, 05858-000, Capão Redondo, São Paulo,
SP, Brasil. Correspondência para/Correspondence to: MMHAO SALGUEIRO. E-mail: <>.

Wilson Jacob Filho, Universidade de São Paulo

2 Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Geriatria. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Ana Maria Cervato-Mancuso, Universidade de São Paulo

3 Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Departamento de Nutrição. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Salgueiro, M. M. H. de A. de O., Jacob Filho, W., & Cervato-Mancuso, A. M. (2013). Nutrition intervention in elderly with functional bowel constipation. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 22(3), 117–127.



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