Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-. Characteristics and outcomes of patients seen at the Occupational Health Outpatient Clinic of Unicamp's Hospital
Carpal Bones, Carpal Tunnef Syndrome, Cumulative trauma disordersAbstract
This study investigated the demographics, dinical features, type of injury, and outcomes of Carpal Tunnei Syndrome patients seen at the Occupational Health Outpatient Clinic of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas
The study collected data from the medical records of 131 patients with a clinical or electromyogram diagnosis of carpal tunneí syndrome, The main variables related to the clinical and surgical treatments were compared. The study investigated whether type of treatment affected the length of medical leave and ability to return to work.
Nearly aII (97,7%) patients required at least one medical leave and only 28.9'>/, of these returned to work, The symptoms lasted a mean of 39,0 and 44,1 months in surgicallyand
clinically-treated patients, respectively. Type of treatment did not affect length of medical leave or the patient's ability to return to work.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome prevails in women aged 30 to 48 years. Usually both sides are affected. the dominant side more severely so, The outcomes of the clinical and surgical
treatments were unsatisfactory, since only about 10%, of the patients of either treatment recover fully. The most affected workers were machine operators, house servants. farm
workers, secretaries, and seamsters.
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