
  • Ana Maria Marcondes
  • Nelson Macchiaverni Filho
  • Marilisa Nano Costa
  • Pollyana Assunção Hueb


neuro-ophthalmology, optic neuropathy, nonarteritic ischemic, alcohol drinking


A retrospective study was made of the records of 155 patients referred to neuro-ophthalmological assessment in order to identify the most common causes of diseases in a Neuro-Ophthalmology outpatient Clinic. The objective of this study was to improve the diferencial diagnosis in primary care services. Data concerning the final diagnostic hypothesis, associated illnesses and personal habits were collected. Systemic Arterial Hypertension was the most frequent personal morbid condition. The most common personal habit was alcoholism. The most frequent causes of neuro-ophthalmological problems were: nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy, toxic optic neuropathy induced by alcohol abuse, retinopathies simulating optic nerve disorder, brain injury, brain tumors and congenital      anomalies. Thus, many causes of neuro-ophthalmological disorders can be identified by means of an accurate opthalmological examination and complementary exams which are both easy to carry out and relatively low-cost.


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How to Cite

Marcondes, A. M., Macchiaverni Filho, N., Costa, M. N., & Hueb, P. A. (2000). CAUSES OF NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN A SPECIALIZED TO A PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 9(1). Retrieved from



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