
  • Carlos Alberto da Silva
  • Rinaldo Roberto de Jesus Guirro
  • Karina Maria Cancelliero
  • Fabio Forti


B-cell, 86Rb, efflux, thiopental, islets of Langerhans


To study the effect of thiopental on the permeability to K* of isolated Langerhans islets of rats.

The islets were isolated by collagenase method and marked for 90 minutes with 86RbCI (K*substitute), then perfused in Krebs-bicarbonate solution in different experimental conditions

The results indicate that the thiopental (0,2 and 2.OmM) reduced the 86Rb efflux of perfused islets, either in glucose presence or in its absence. in solution containing still 20 or 1001lg/ml of tolbutamide, which is a blocker of channels K'
modulated by ATP The inhibiting effect of tiopental in the 86Rb efflux was even more outstanding when the islets perfusion was processed in solution containing diazoxide, substance that opens the K* channels modulated by ATP.

Based on results obtained in experiments with sulphonylureas. it was verified that thiopental acts by blocking preferentially. in a dose-dependent and reversible way, the K' channels modulated by ATP.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. A. da, Guirro, R. R. de J., Cancelliero, K. M., & Forti, F. (2005). THIOPENTAL BLOCKS K*ATP CHANNELS IN PANCREATIC B-CELL. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(1). Retrieved from



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