
  • Andréa Azevedo de Almeida
  • Thais Daniele Ming
  • Cristina Leslie Corrêa
  • Tatiana Lavinas


boldon, phytoterapy, homeopathic pharmacy, medicinal plants, senna



Medicinal plants are free/y and widely commercialized in Brazil as an important therapeutic resource, but many cases of adulteration, contamination and falsification are known to occur. ln arder to implement a quality assessment program for medicinal p/ants in Campinas, Brazíl, senna and Chí/ean boldo, two ímportant medicinal p/ants, were submitted to a quality contrai assessment.


Twe/ve samples of Peumus boldus (Molina) Lyons (Chilean boldo) leaves and 73 samples of Cassia acutifolia Deli/e (senna) leaves, co//ected at random from different establishments, were analyzed for their botanica/ and physica/-chemica/ characteristics, according to requisites described in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.


The results showed that 7 00.0% of the samples did not conform to ai/ the qua/ity standards described in the monograph of that p/ant, a/though ai/ conformed to the botanical description. Of the samp/es analyzed, 55.6% of the Chi/ean boldo and 78.2% of the senna wou/d be rejected for showing a foreign matter content above the limit estab/íshed by World Health Organization (3.0%). AI! the samples showed values for moisture content above the limits specified by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (maximum of 5.0%). ln addition, a lack of re/evant information on the product /abels was noted.


By and large, the results reflected the absence of a strict quality contrai system for commercialized medicinal plants, which should be produced according to the good manufacturing and handling practices.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. A. de, Ming, T. D., Corrêa, C. L., & Lavinas, T. (2005). QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS SENNA ANO CHILEAN BOLDO, SOLO IN THE AREA OF CAMPINAS, BRAZIL. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1176



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