
  • José Espin Neto
  • Juliana de Almeida Soares
  • Gustavo Dacar da Silva Uslar
  • Vanessa Ramos Guissa
  • Viviane da Mata Pasti
  • José Eduardo Bueno Zappa
  • José Eduardo Bueno Zappa
  • José Eduardo Velludo


drowning, externai causes, child; risk factors






Drowning is an important cause of violent death in Brazil. Most of the available data involve accidents in the Brazilian border. This study describes the profile of drowning victims in two non coasta/ area from the State of São Paulo with different geographic characteristics.


The data from gender, age, localization and season of the year when death occurred were obtained from the Oepartment of Police of two non coastal cities located in the State of São Paulo: Campinas and Ribeirão Preto.


The study revealed some findings. Firstly, drowning depends of the geographic and recreations areas. ln the Ribeirão Preto area two major rivers cross the city, where the recreation areas are founded and most of the accidents were located. Secondly, weather represents an important role for drowning: most of the fatal accidents occurred in hot season of the year. Thirdly, children and young ma/e adults were at the highest risk. Fourth/y, the trend of fatal drowning did not decrease in recent years, probably associated with the absent of a prevention police.


Measures for drowning prevention shou/d be established and enforced.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Espin Neto, J., Soares, J. de A., Uslar, G. D. da S., Guissa, V. R., Pasti, V. da M., Zappa, J. E. B., … Velludo, J. E. (2006). DROWNING SITUATION IN TWO NON-COASTAL REGIONS OF SÃO PAULO STATE, BRAZIL. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(4). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1102



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