
  • Mário Augusto Paschoal
  • Lilian Maria de Paiva Florindo
  • Silvia Prado Batista de Moraes


pulmonary disease chronic obstrutive, physical therapy modalities, respiratory tract diseases



To analyze the cardio-respiratory variables in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, during the execution of sub-maximal effort tests with different biomechanical characteristics, in arder to compare such variables and to determine if the tests could ar not promote responses of different magnitudes.


This is a transversal study based on the results of tests applied to ten patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, with mean age of 61, standard deviation 13.9 years, who, at the first second of exertion, presented a forced expiratory volume between 45 and 70% of the expected volume. The data on cardio-respiratory responses was obtained during the execution of the six-minute walk test and the Paschoal test.


The median values of total heart rate recorded during the six minutes of each test were exactly the sarne (634.5 beats). The heart rate recovery analysis revealed that, in both tests, from the second minute on, the values were already significantly lower than the final heart rate values. The systolic blood pressure values at the end of the walk test and the Paschoal test were significantly higher than the values obtained at rest, and they decreased significantly only in the walk test, after the third minute of recovery phase.


Therefore, it can be concluded that in spite of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease having made tests with distinct biomechanical characteristics for their execution, the cardiorespiratory responses obtained were very similar and showed that both tests can be used as co-adjuncts in the cardio-respiratory evaluation and contrai of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


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How to Cite

Paschoal, M. A., Florindo, L. M. de P., & Moraes, S. P. B. de. (2006). CARDIOVASCULAR RESPONSES OF PATIENTS WITH CHRON/C OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE OURING PASCHOAL ANO SIX-MINUTE WALK TESTS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(5). Retrieved from



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