"Alterações histológicas nos tecidos cerebrais, hepáticos, pancreático e esplênicos induzidos por salicilatos durante o desenvolvimento embrionário de ratos Sprague-Dawley"


  • Míriam Scarpin Teixeira
  • Lia Mara Rossi-Ferragut
  • Adalberto Santos Gonçalves
  • Miralva Aparecida de Jesus Silva
  • Romário de Araújo Mello


Recent studies demonstrating the presence of salicyluric acid in neonatal urine specimens have suggested intrauterine fetal exposure to aspirin or other salicylates (Palmisano and Cassady, 1969). This review summarizes the available experimental animal and human epidemiological data on the possible teratogenicity of aspirin, its effects on fetal lethality, its effects on the duration of pregnancy and parturition, and its ability to alter hemotastic mechanism in both the mather and newborn (Corby, 1978). Morfological change in development of the ductus artheriosus sound demonstrating (lshikawa et ai, 1980). No significant differences were seen in any category in the groups receiving salicylates alone or not. 


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Corby, D,.G.: Aspirin in Pregnancy: maternal and effects. The aspirin and acetaminophen Symposium. New York, november 4-5, 1977 p. 930-936.

lshikawa, S.; Cheung, M.O.; Gilbert, E.F., and Bruyere, H, J. Jr.: Acetysalicylic acid-induced morphological changes in the ductus arteriosus of the chick embryo. Experimentia, 35(1): 92-93, 1980.

Palmisano, P.A. and Cassady, G.: Salicylate exposure in the perinate. Jama: 209(4): 556-558, 1969.



How to Cite

Teixeira, M. S., Rossi-Ferragut, L. M., Gonçalves, A. S., Silva, M. A. de J., & Mello, R. de A. (2012). "Alterações histológicas nos tecidos cerebrais, hepáticos, pancreático e esplênicos induzidos por salicilatos durante o desenvolvimento embrionário de ratos Sprague-Dawley". Bioikos, 5(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/990


