Levantamento damacrofauna dos costões rochosos da enseada de Araçatiba da Ilha Grande, RJ


  • Ana Cristina Prado Veiga
  • Elizabeth Coimbra Oliveira
  • Gustavo Cardilli Lucinio
  • Luis Eduardo Ap. Grassi
  • Maura Antonia da Silva
  • Marcelo E. Kratsas
  • Patrícia Aline Boer Lima


The studies about the rock coast of brazylian seahore had a big development on the last decades. The breaking of the waves area was indicated as zone that shows countless advantages, as protect against predators and gain of energy in function of the countless organism abundance.

The work that is shown has the objective to insure the macrofauna of the rock coast of Ilha Grande's Araçatiba cove, RJ. lt constitua about 42, in minimum, kind of animais.


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How to Cite

Veiga, A. C. P., Oliveira, E. C., Lucinio, G. C., Grassi, L. E. A., Silva, M. A. da, Kratsas, M. E., & Lima, P. A. B. (1992). Levantamento damacrofauna dos costões rochosos da enseada de Araçatiba da Ilha Grande, RJ. Bioikos, 6(1/2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/983


