Frequência de visitas e comportamento alimentar do beija-flor Phaetornis Pretrei nas flores de uma Cactaceae


  • Rodolfo Antônio de Figueiredo
  • Suzana Rodriques Álvares


Frequency of visitation and feeding behavior of the
hummingbird Phaetornis pretrei inflowers of a Cactaceae This study was done in the Reserva de Santa Genebra, Campinas, and flowers of Nopalea coccinellifera were visited by the hummingbird Phaetornis pretrei. The high visit frequency occurred in the middle of the morning and afternoon. About 8.84 :!: 6,16 flowers were visited in each episode. The phenology observed in1992. and 1993showed the lack of seed,production by the cactus. Despite this cactus species had been introduc,ed in the reserve, it probable represents an important food resource to the hummingbird.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, R. A. de, & Álvares, S. R. (1993). Frequência de visitas e comportamento alimentar do beija-flor Phaetornis Pretrei nas flores de uma Cactaceae. Bioikos, 7(1/2). Retrieved from


