O mosaico de formigas nos cacauis bahianos
implicações para o manejo de pragas e conservação da mata atlântica
The ant mosaic of cocoa plantations of southern Bahiá has an elevated potential for managementto reduze losses to phytophagous pests. Of the dominant species with possibilities of management, Aztecachartífex spírítíapparentlyis more favored with respect to other dominants,Wasmannía auropunctata andEctatomma tuberculatum. Additionally, A. charlífex was the most temporarly constant, a fact that also favores its use in integrated pest control programs. lf native faunal elements can reduze losses through pest predation, cocoa can be produzed more cheaply, favoring its continuation, and reduzing pressures for its substitution with other agricultura! or animal husbandry activities. As cocoa is planted under shade of the native forest, these practices can aid in maintaining the Atlantic coastal forest and consequently maintain the biodiversity of southern Bahia.
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