Orcinus Orca (Cetacea; Delphinidae) em águas costeiras do estado do Rio de Janeiro


  • Liliane Lodi
  • Bia Hetzel


ln arder to update and to complement the records of occurrence of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the State of Rio de Janeiro (21°18'S ; 23°21'W), we brought together new inforrnation about sightings of this species. Between October 22, 1992; and Novernber 12, 1997; in 14 differentoccasions, a nurnber of 61 individuais were observed between Ponta da Trindade and Búzios. From the total nurnber of sightings, 42.8 % occurred during spring. Group size varied from one to ten individuais, with an average of 4.3. Calves were present in 35.7 % of the number of sightings. The presence ofO. orca in coastal and shallow waters of Rio de Janeiro State was always associated with cold weather and/or cold water. After the second recording of killerwhale's occurrence in Rio de Janeiro, the species' occurrence was

not reported again until eleven years later.Bringing together records found in literature and personal communications about the occurrence of killer whales in Rio de Janeiro and in São Paulo and Espírito Santo States, in an extension of almost 1,459.9 kilometers of coast, it can be verified that after 1992 the sightings of this species have been gradually growing in the southeastern coast of Brazil, a fact that can be a consequence of the greater observation effort in this region.


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How to Cite

Lodi, L., & Hetzel, B. (1998). Orcinus Orca (Cetacea; Delphinidae) em águas costeiras do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Bioikos, 12(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/953


