Notes on the feeding of Conodon nobilís (Linnaeus) and Polydactylus virginicus (Linnaeus) (Actinopterygii: Haemulidae e Polynemidae) in the Jaguaribe Beach (Itamaracá lsland), State of Pernambuco.


  • Paulo Roberto Duarte Lopes
  • Jailza Tavares de Oliveira-Silva


Alimentation of fishs, Conodon nobilis, lctiology


The gut contents of 34 specimens of Conodon nobilís and 43 specimens of Polydacty/us virginicus gathered between June, 1991 and May, 1992, in the Jaguaribe Beach (Itamaracá lsland, State of Pernambuco, about of 07º45'8 - 34º50'W) were examined. A total of 13 food itens to C. nobilís and 14 food itens to P. virginicus were identified. With reference to the frequency of occurrence, the main itens to C. nobilis were digested organic matter (58,82%), youngs forms of Crustacea Decapoda (52,94%) and scales of Actinopterygii (35,29%) and to P. virginicus were digested organic matter (67,44%), youngs forms of Crustacea Decapoda (38,44%) and Crustacea Decapoda Dendrobranchiata (20,93%). With reference to the numerical frequency, the main itens to C. nobilis were youngs forms of Crustacea Decapoda (90,86%), Crustacea Amphipoda (3,97%) and Crustacea Decapoda Dendrobranchiata (3,8%} and to P. virginicus were youngs forms of Crustacea Decapoda (53,78%), Crustacea Copepoda Harpacticoida (27,76%) and Crustacea Amphipoda (14,24%). At Jaguaribe Beach, C. nobilís and P. virginicus presents an carnivorous feeding habit with a predominance of Crustacea.


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How to Cite

Lopes, P. R. D., & Oliveira-Silva, J. T. de. (1998). Notes on the feeding of Conodon nobilís (Linnaeus) and Polydactylus virginicus (Linnaeus) (Actinopterygii: Haemulidae e Polynemidae) in the Jaguaribe Beach (Itamaracá lsland), State of Pernambuco. Bioikos, 12(2). Retrieved from


