
  • Muracy Bélo
  • Sueli M. Alves
  • Débora de J. Pires


synantropic flies, fluctuations, diversity indexes, species


The diptera community of the FCAVJ-UNESP laying hen grange, in Jaboticabal, SP, was studied during one year. Among 24 species or groups of species collected, Musca domestica was dominant, and its increase or decrease in numbers of individuais influenced the populations dynamic of others flies and the diversity indexes. Significant differences were detected during the wed and dryness periods to Archisepsis flies. Therefore, only the Archisepsis and Chloropidae-2 flies did show seazonal significant differences i  number of individuais. To diversity studies, were used the shannon's index ( H ) equitability (J), Margalef's índex (D) and the number of species (s). lt was detected that H showed significant positive correlation with J, s and D; therefore D showed significant positive correlation with s and not with T (sample size). Only the R and J indexes to the wed and dryness periods showed significative differences.


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How to Cite

Bélo, M., Alves, S. M., & Pires, D. de J. (1998). DIPTERAN SPECIES FLUCTUATION ANO DIVERSITY IN LAYING HEN GRANGE. Bioikos, 12(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/947


