
  • Francisco Borba Ribeiro Neto
  • José Claudio Höfling
  • Luiza Ishikawa Ferreira
  • Carlos Eduardo de Almeida Romano


lctiology, alimentation, distribution and reproduction of fish, Salto Grande


Galeocharax knerii is one of the fish species found in the Salto Grande reservo ir which is formed by the impoundment of the Atibaia river, which itself is a tributary

of the Piracicaba river, São Paulo state, Brazil. lt is a highly impacted ecosystem because it receives urban industrial waste and sewage from the Campinas region. To studythe fish community ofthis reservoir, five collects were carried out between April and December 1997. By the banks ofthe reservoir, at the 12 sample points, a set of nets was placed, each one 1.5m high and 10m long with mesh sizes of 15mm, 20mm, 40mm and 70mm. The nets were submersed at each collection point from dusk to dawn. Four sample areas were defined, each with three collection points to put the keep nets. Mature individuais were caught up to 35cm in total length, although most ofthe fish were immature specimens up to 15cm in total length. These immature fish are usually found along the sides ofthe reservoir between Fall and Spring. ln the Summer the C.P.U.E. catch diminished with only the biggest mature or maturing specimens being caught i_n one catch area. The caught specimens had as alimentation fish and insects.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Neto, F. B., Höfling, J. C., Ferreira, L. I., & Romano, C. E. de A. (1998). DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION ANO ALIMENTATION OF Galeocharax knerii IN SALTO GRANDE RESERVOIR - AMERICANA, SP, BRAZIL. Bioikos, 12(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/944


