Resistance to various toxins and anaesthetics in Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859


  • Carolina Cassará
  • Sergio E. Gómez
  • Anabella Giusto
  • Ricardo A. Ferriz
  • Vanesa Asikian


Fishes, ecotoxicology, oils and anaesthetics, Poecilia reticulata


Followingthe maximum critical technique (MC) we carried out tests of resistance on different toxins in Poecilia reticulata. The results obtained in decreasing
orderwere: Sodium Hypochloride, Leaded superoil (high octane), Formaldehyde, Non-Ieaded super oil (high octane), Hydrogen Peroxide, Common oil, Diesel oil, Petroleum ether, Ethanol96% and Methanol. In addition, with LSa and ca, experiments were performed at different salinities with LSa always being more
toxic than ca giving a negative and significant correlation between MC and salinity. In the experiments carried out with ethanol using the resistance time
technique of 50% (tR50%), values for distinct concentrations were determined and related in the equation tR50%=O,83. CE-,4337wlth R2=83,7 (n=8). Following the use ofthis equation CL50-96h = 0,284% is estimated. Different anaesthetics were analysed recording their action times for Poecilia reticulata. The six utilised were divided into two groups: of rapid action (Benzocaine, menthol and macerated of tobacco) and of slow action (Diazepan, Diethyl barbituric acid and
Sodium diethyl barbiturate). The benzocaine is the most rapid in having an effect with a 100% recuperation with doses less or equal to 1gr/L. The second in efficiency is menthol with a recuperation of 100% with doses of 5 gr/L. The macerated of tobacco is the one which presents the highest mortality. Key words: Fishes, ecotoxicology, oils and anaesthetics, Poecilia reticulat


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How to Cite

Cassará, C., Gómez, S. E., Giusto, A., Ferriz, R. A., & Asikian, V. (1999). Resistance to various toxins and anaesthetics in Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859. Bioikos, 13(1/2). Retrieved from


