
  • Mithitaka Soma
  • Angela Cristina Ito
  • Sérgio Carlos Barros Steves
  • Luciana Mari Tsutsui
  • Lilian Stranghetti Jorge
  • Maria Carolina Aoki
  • Milena Belotti Amorim


The effects of severa/ doses of x - rays on Allium cepa, irradiated by 6 - 1J Gy, are described. The analyses were carried out on 2,000 cells of the cell cycle and the main abnormalities seen in na optic microscope are shown, X - rays are very drastic mainly when its doses are increaed and we are able to see micronucleii, chromossomo bridges and deletion.


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How to Cite

Soma, M., Ito, A. C., Steves, S. C. B., Tsutsui, L. M., Jorge, L. S., Aoki, M. C., & Amorim, M. B. (2000). THE EFFECTS ON ALLIUM CEPA OF X·RAY IRRADIATION. Bioikos, 14(2). Retrieved from


