
  • Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto


artisanal fishery, fishes, crustaceans, Rio de Janeiro State


The aim of the present study is to describe the artisanal fishing on the Northern Rio de Janeiro coast. The study area encompass es the regionfrom Barra do ltabapoana (21º18'S) to Macaé (22º25'S), where six artisanal fishing harbors are located. The data were obtained through 150 interviews carried out in those harbours during the year 2000. About 3,000 jishermen and 600 fishing boats are established in this region, and nine types of fishing gear are considered the most used: gil! net, bottom trawl net, trawl net, 'pargueira ', bottom hand-line, 'corrico', bottom long-line, surface long-line and 'puçá '. The mainjishing resources include 15 osseus jish species,

5 cartilogenous fish species and 3 crustacean species, mainry: Balistes sp. (triggeifzsh), Micropogonias furnieri (white-mouth ed croaker), Carcharhinus acronotus, C. plumbeus and Rhizoprionodonporosus (sharks) andXyphopenaeus kroyeri (six-barb ed shrimp). The problems pertaining to the fishing activity include overexploitation of the resources; discarded jish under utilization ofthe resources that are captured infishing activities; use of predatory fzshing gear and by-catch. Apart from this there is a lack of studies on the sustainable use of the stocks and the absence of an appropriate political and socioeconomic investment. The above considerations indica/e that the conjlict between fishing and environmental conservation can be considered an important regional problem.


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How to Cite

Di Beneditto, A. P. M. (2001). ARTISANAL FISHERY ON THE NORTHERN COAST OF RIO DE JANEIRO. Bioikos, 15(2). Retrieved from


