petroleum-hydrocarbons, gasoline, ecotoxicology, bioassay, Cyprinodontiforms, Cnesterodon decemmaculatusAbstract
Following the “maximum critical” (MC) technique, the resistance to different gasoline and petroleum-hydrocarbon derivates in Cnesterodon decemmaculatus was studied. Additional bioassays were carried out in Poecilia reticulata and Jenynsia lineata. The average values (MC) obtained in C. decemmaculatus in decreasing order (standard deviation in brackets) were: Super gasoline 98 octane: 1.1 (0.32); Super gasoline 95 octane: 1.3 (0.26); Common gasoline 85 octane: 2.3 (1.33); Fuel-jet 100-130 octane: 4.1 (0.58); Aerokerosene JetA-1: >7 and Diesel oil: >7 cc/l. Using common gasoline , the differences between the MC in C. decemmaculatus, P. reticulata and J. lineata were not significant (F= 2.088; p>0.05), a general mean MC value of 2.8 cc/l (0.43) could be considered. MC values of C. decemmaculatus, with common gasoline at different water salinity (S range: 0.005 to 36.45 gr/l), were significativaly correlated with salinity (r=0.836; p<0.05). Also regression analysis was significative (p<0.05; n= 10; R2= 69.85%), the relationship between variables was: MC= exp(0.850+S.-0.027). These data are useful on an environmental impact assessment, to generate comparative data with other bioindicator cyprinodontids and to apply in monitoring programs.
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