
  • Andréia Guedes Garcia
  • Alice Battistin
  • Júlio Viégas
  • José Henrique Souza da Silva


Macroptilium, protein polymorphism, SDS-PAGE


In Brazil ten species of the genus Macroptilium, occur among which four are found in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The objective of the work was to verify the occurrence of genetic variability through the presence of protein polymorphism and of the similarity of total proteins in six populations of M. erythroloma (Benth.) Urban, which occurs naturally in Rio Grande do Sul. The analyses were carried out in the Laboratory of Vegetable Cytogenetics and Biotechnology of the Department of Biology at the Center of Natural and Exact Sciences (CCNE) Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). The total protein gel was analyzed using as adopted seeds individuals of M. erythroloma populations in sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE). The interpretations of the total protein gels among individuals and among the populations were carried out through electrophoretic zimograms for verification of the polymorphism protein. The similarity was observed through dendrograms. The individuals of all the M. erythroloma populations was monomorphic in the sixth loco and heteromorphic in the first, third and fourth locus, and absent in some of the populations. The coefficients of similarity of total proteins of the species M. erythroloma, presented a larger similarity between the individuals of the same population and a smaller one among the populations.


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How to Cite

Garcia, A. G., Battistin, A., Viégas, J., & Silva, J. H. S. da. (2003). POLYMORPHISM AND SIMILARITY OF TOTAL PROTEINS OF SIX POPULATIONS OF M. erythroloma, FOR THE ELECTROPHORETIC METHOD SDS-PAGE. Bioikos, 17(1/2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/894


