
  • Flávio Roberto Mello Garcia
  • Noili Nardi
  • Maria Kátia Mattioti da Costa
  • Antônio Domingos Brescovit


Zea mays, artropods, pests, predators


The knowledge ofthe diversity of artropods associated with agriculture is fundamental for ecological studies anel management. The experiment was carried out in a com crop, using pitfall traps anel an entomology unbrella to collect artropoels to evaluate their presence during the cycle of the culture. The samplings were carrid out in an area of 2. l ha, inArvoreelo ( SC), in which inseticieles were not applied. During the evaluations, 13,145 artropoels were collecred, with species included in 15 orelers.


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How to Cite

Garcia, F. R. M., Nardi, N., Costa, M. K. M. da, & Brescovit, A. D. (2004). THE OCCURENCE OF ARTHEOPODS IN A CORN CROP (Zea mays) IN THE MUNICIPALYTV OF ARVOREDO, SC. Bioikos, 18(1). Retrieved from


