
  • Maria de Fátima Pereira de Sá
  • Nelsy Fenerich-Verani
  • Alberto Carvalho Peret
  • Édson Vieira Sampaio


lctiology, morfometric anel meristic characters, São Francisco River Basin, multivariate analysis, Astyanax scabripinnis


Morphological variations among populations of the sarne species have been made to characterise and tofind out a way of discriminating onefrom the other throughphenotypic


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How to Cite

Sá, M. de F. P. de, Fenerich-Verani, N., Carvalho Peret, A., & Sampaio, Édson V. (2004). MORPHOLOGICAL CARACTERIZATION OF Astyanax scabripinnis IN TWO POPULATIONS FROM STREAMS OF THE FRANCISCO RIVER BASIN. Bioikos, 18(1). Retrieved from


