Efficiency of subterranean baits for termite sampling in eucalyptus forests


  • Luciane Kern Junqueira
  • Evoneo Berti Filho
  • Daniela Faria Florencio
  • Elena Diehl


Isoptera, silviculture, soil termites


In order to fit sampling methods of soil termites to silvicultural areas, subterranean baits were evaluated and compared along the four seasons, in eucalyptus crops in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. Thus, TermitrapÒ baits were buried at 15 and 50cm deep for 30 and 60 days. Results showed that in the South, due to climatic and edaphic existing conditions, such baits are inefficient to sample soil termites. Nevertheless, in the southeast region, regardless of the depth in which the baits had been buried for 60 days, termites were trapped with varying frequencies, from 30% in Winter to 58% in Spring. Thus, in the eucalyptus forests of the Southeast region, TermitrapÒ baits could be used to monitoring the abundance of subterranean termites.


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How to Cite

Junqueira, L. K., Berti Filho, E., Florencio, D. F., & Diehl, E. (2006). Efficiency of subterranean baits for termite sampling in eucalyptus forests. Bioikos, 20(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/851


