Metazoans parasites of Astyanax altiparanae (Pisces: Characidae) at Rio das Pedras Farm, Campinas, SP, Brazil


  • Gabriela Brandão Azevedo
  • Rubens Riscala Madi
  • Marlene Tiduko Ueta


Parasite metazoans, Astyanax altiparanae, Epidemiological indices


In the present study, the helminthological fauna Astyanax altiparanae inhabiting lakes and ponds at Rio das Pedras farm in the municipality of Campinas (São
Paulo state) were characterized, by comparing the influence on parasitism of the different expanses of water, sex and stage of sexual maturity of the fish. The
collections were conducted each month from May 2004 to May 2005. The helminth parasites found were fixed, identified and had their prevalence (P), infection
intensity (I) and abundance (A) determined. In the collected fish (n=67), we have found Urocleidoides astyanacis (Monogenea) in the gills (P=91%; I=9.21; A=8.39), metacercariae of Clinostomidae (Trematoda) on the body surface (P=85%; I=11.62; A=9.89), metacestodes of Proteocephalidea (Cestoda) in the body cavity (P=71% I=479.3 A=195.6), adults of Senga sp. (Cestoda) in the pyloric ceca (P=4%; I=3.33; A=0.13), larvae of Contracaecum sp. (P=4%; I=1; A=0.04), Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus (Nematoda) in the intestine and pyloric ceca (P=19%;
I=1.23; A=0.24). All the fish specimens harbored at least one parasite species. The larvae of Proteocephalidea and P. inopinatus were found only in the lakes, which also presented a higher intensity of Monogenea and metacercariae, while Senga sp. was found only in the ponds. The sex and the stage of sexual maturity did not influence parasitism.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, G. B., Madi, R. R., & Ueta, M. T. (2007). Metazoans parasites of Astyanax altiparanae (Pisces: Characidae) at Rio das Pedras Farm, Campinas, SP, Brazil. Bioikos, 21(2). Retrieved from


