Efficiency of monofilament nylon nets in the reduction of bio-fouling in floating net cages
Nylon monofilament, Biofouling, Net-cages, Marine fish farmingAbstract
Biological incrustations, also known by the term bio-fouling, are considered to be one of the largest problems found by mankind in their activities in the sea and, particularly, for fish farmers. Several techniques are recommended to lessen the problem, however, they bring about operational management difficulties,
the risk of fish escaping, stress, decrease in weight gain in fishes and an increase in operational costs on land, negatively impacting the profitability of fish farming.
In this study, the efficiency of the use of monofilament nylon nets was evaluated compared with the conventional multifilament nets in reducing biological
incrustation in floating net cages. The results showed that the monofilament nylon nets were significantly (p<0.05) more efficient than the conventional nets
used in reducing biological incrustations. This condition indicates a promising route towards controlling biological incrustations in fish farming, making it
possible to raise the time the nets remain in the water and reduce the operational costs of the activity.
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