lmposex in the whelk Stramonita haemastoma (Neogastropoda: Muricidae), from Baixada Santista (SP), Brazil
lmposex, Population structure, Coast of São Paulo, TBT Stramonita haemastomaAbstract
The neogastropod Stramonita haemastoma is affected by anthropogenic actions caused by fisheries and pollution from organotin compounds (tributyltin and triphenyltin) present in nautica/ antifouling paints. These compounds cause an endocrine disruption that imposes ma/e sexual features (penis and vas deferens) to females, which may cause sterilization and even death in extremes cases. Both actions can influence the species popu/ation structure, affecting reproduction and, consequently, recruit rep!acement. The present study aims to evaluate the population structure of S. haemastoma in ten different /ocations Baixada Santista (SP, Brazil) which were exposed to distinct leveis of fishery and tributyltin. Twelve samples were carried out through July 2006 to May 2007 to have size and gender composition analyzed as we/1 as imposex indirect occurrence leveis. Results point to a number of 100% female species presenting imposex in areas close to Santos harbor. Even in further areas, in the southward region - Peruibe - the presence of imposex was registered.
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