Record of hypogeaf ichthyofauna in the Salta province (Argentina, South America)
Argentina, Hypogeal ichtyofauna, TroglobitsAbstract
During 7 993, in a house in the city of Tartaga/, a we/1 was built to draw water. The excavation process ended 8 meters down, due to the filtration of blad< c!ay from the wel/'s walls. The opening of the we/1 was protected by a meter-high wa/1; the interior wal/s were covered with cement. After the severe f/oods in 2006, which did not reach the we/1, the presence of fish and snails was observed.•This fauna exists to this day. The explorations in 20 7 2 indicated the presence of three species of fish and one species of snail. The chemica/ values of the water, its temperature and sediment composition are provided, concluding that this is an accidental troglobits system based on a detritus food chain.
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