Dominance of the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) in a columbid assemblage in Northern Paraná, Southern Brazil


  • Priscila Montes Fontoura


Bird, Density, Distance sampling , Urban area


I analyzed the density, abundance, and habitat use by columbids in an urban área in Northern Paraná, Brazil, from October 2011 to February 2012, using distance sampling along line transects. I found seven columbid species, including Leptotila rufaxilla and L. verreauxi. These two species are known to inhabit forest environments and had rarely been recorded before in urban areas. Columbina talpacoti, C. picui, Columba livia, and Patagioenas picazuro were common, whereas Zenaida auriculata had high population density. The abundance of Z. auriculata increased, whereas that of other species decreased constantly along the study period. This result was confirmed by the dominance index, which indicated that Z. auriculata tends to be the dominant species in this urban area.


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How to Cite

Fontoura, P. M. (2013). Dominance of the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) in a columbid assemblage in Northern Paraná, Southern Brazil. Bioikos, 27(1). Retrieved from



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