
  • Bioikos


The fungi are spreaded in the nature. Broadly speakimg, several fungi are important role in medicine for being allergirc. This is about the airbone fungi from Campinas have done during a one year period. One hundred and thirty Petri dishes with culture medium Saboraud were exposed to the sedimentation methos at tive differents places in the city: DIC and Downtown (pollution), IAG (no pollution), Jd. Flamboyant and PIO XII (litlle pollution). The isolation and identification of fungi were achieved by using routine methods in the Microbiology laboratory. Twenty eight fungi genera were isolated and the most frequent were: Cladosporium sp, Epicoccum sp, Fusarium sp, Rhodotorulla sp and Candida sp. ln the fali, winter and spring the Cladosporium sp was the most isolated and in the summer the sporulating fungi was the most found. ln the places with high pollution (DIC and downtown) a decrease of sporulating fungi ocured and an increase of no sporulating and yeast with the Candida sp and Rhodotorula sp, as observed by other authors in different cities in Brazil. 


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How to Cite

Bioikos. (1997). AIRBONE FUNGI ISOLATED FROM CAMPINAS. Bioikos, 11(1/2). Retrieved from


