
  • José Claudio Hofling
  • Daniela Peitl Gonçalves
  • Fernanda de O. Rego
  • Alexandre Tomazini Tomazini
  • Inês Maraes da Silva
  • Maurício Solera R. da Silva
  • André Luis Lima


invertebrate from dragged fishing, Ilha Grande Bay, RJ, lnvertebrate fauna


Ilha Grande Bay, R.J. is considered one of the most important fishing areas in Brazil, but even so, not much is known about this region ecossystem. This present research had as a main objetive to contribute for the knowledge of the dragged invertebrate fauna from Araçatiba Bay that comes from the dragged fishing procedure. The groups of larger occurrence was Mollusca and the minar was Echinodermata. Loligo brasiliensis was the most abundant specie, follwed by Penaeus brasiliensis and Portunus spinocarpus.


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How to Cite

Hofling, J. C., Gonçalves, D. P., Rego , F. de O., Tomazini, A. T., Silva, I. M. da, Silva, M. S. R. da, & Lima, A. L. (1997). INVERTEBRATE FAUNA FROM DRAGGED FISHING AT ARAÇATIBA BAY DA ILHA GRANDE BAY, RJ. BRAZIL . Bioikos, 11(1/2). Retrieved from


