Nota preliminar sobre a composição da fauna do fital Jaina Rubens Lamouroux, 1812


  • José Cláudio Höfling
  • Maria Pilar R. Piqué
  • Luis Carlos A. Rodrigues


With the purpose of knoVlling the associated fauna of the fital Jania rubens Lamouroux ( Rhodophyta, Corallinaceae ),samples were collecteds in six stations of São Paulo State: in the North, Município of
Ubatuba; in the center, Município of Itanhaem and in the South, Municípios of Iguape and Cananéia.
The analyses showed the presence of Bivalves and Polichaetes in ali of the stations. Amphipods, isopods and Bryozoans showed mimetism and a good fixation so the algae substract, showing to be well adaptated.
The occurence of great number and diversity of animais revealed that the algae substract sums to be a good habitat, requiring more detailed studies.


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How to Cite

Höfling, J. C., Piqué, M. P. R., & Rodrigues, L. C. A. (1987). Nota preliminar sobre a composição da fauna do fital Jaina Rubens Lamouroux, 1812. Bioikos, 1(1). Retrieved from


