Urban collectives and social media: promoting insurgency to cope with covid-19 in informal setlements | Coletivos urbanos e insurgência para combater a covid-19: uma análise de conteúdo de mídias digitais





Civic Engagement, Insurgent Planning, Social Media, Content Analysis, Collectives


The high incidence of COVID-19 cases in low-income communities, the context of disinformation around the disease, and the vacuum of public policies have made low-income communities more vulnerable to the pandemic. Considering that scenario, this paper analyzes how urban collectives have used social media to create and share narratives about COVID-19. We frame those contributions through the lens of insurgency, an area of planning studies that is based on grassroots counter-hegemonic actions. We conduct a sentiment and thematic analysis of Instagram posts from urban collectives
in Fortaleza to show how social media has been appropriated as a space to cope with the virus and to support insurgency. Our findings show, even though most strategies are geared towards emergency relief, collectives also harness the atmosphere of crisis brought by covid-19 to raise awareness of other structural issues. Collectives promote insurgency by creating their own content, information, and research material about COVID-19 in their communities and by partnering with institutions to scale up their claims.


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Biografia do Autor

Lara Sucupira Furtado, Universidade de Fortaleza

Universidade de Fortaleza, Mestrado Profissionalizante Ciências da Cidade.

Lia Sucupira Furtado, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências, Departamento de Engenharia da Computação


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Como Citar

Furtado, L. S., & Furtado, L. S. (2021). Urban collectives and social media: promoting insurgency to cope with covid-19 in informal setlements | Coletivos urbanos e insurgência para combater a covid-19: uma análise de conteúdo de mídias digitais. Oculum Ensaios, 18, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.24220/2318-0919v18e2021a5136



Dossiê: Cidade em tempos de pandemia