Morphological diferences in the galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) population, an osmeriform fish from southern Argentina


  • Ricardo A. Ferriz
  • Walter Salas Aramburu
  • Sergio E. Gómez
  • Roberto C. Menni


Galaxiidae, Galaxias maculatus, patogoniam, population differences, Limay river system


Samples of the puyen Galaxias maculatus (Galaxiidae).from four localities at the Limay river basin were subjected to Principal Component Analysis of morphometric traits. The analysis portrayed different body characteristics among samples.from sections of the river with different physical and water chemistry traits. Samples.from the Ramos Mexía dam and downstream, are composed of slender individuais of varied sizes, living under slow current over vegetated muddy bottoms. Those.from the Collon Cura river are smaller and robust, living under strong current. Those .from Piedra de! Aguila, midway .from the other localities, display a heterogeneous morphology, but have larger-sized cyes and jaws relative to head size. ln spite of having access to the sea (distant 600 km), Limay river populations of G. maculatus appear to be lacustrine.



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Como Citar

Ferriz, R. A., Aramburu, W. S., Gómez, S. E., & Menni, R. C. (2001). Morphological diferences in the galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) population, an osmeriform fish from southern Argentina. Bioikos – Título não-Corrente, 15(2). Recuperado de


